Photo of me taken when I was 7 or 8 months. Look at my bold head..... remind me of Jared Abraham... hahahahaha!!!! I was skinny during my childhood time..... can't believe it...neither me!!! By looking at my current weight now... people might thought I'm bluffing... lets the photo below show you the revolution of JimpeleAmbau.
Look at those legs.... can you see my knee bones? Taken when I was 7 years old... We used to stay at Batu Kawa Camp, Kuching for 8 years plus until 1989 then we moved to Miri. When my age reached 8 years old.. my weight increased like a balloon. My mom fed me like there is no tommorrow..... hahahhaa.. joking!! People keep saying that I'm too skinny........ like skeleton. When this skinny boy turn too chubby boy.... You very well fed ahhh!! Sighing.......
Taken when I was Form 5...... shhhhhhh!!! What a great poser, am I?......... People used to call me "Babi parit!!!" Because of my condition....... being a reserved teenager wasn't pleasant condition for me. It was tough....... the only friend I have is my t.v. and singing to let emotion in my heart out! Education performance is below average (I'll show you guys later). Each of the pages is filled with red color.. blue or black is countable. My social skill... hmmm!!! As my parents keep comparing me with my cousin or other.... Cubalah jadi macam......... Ko makanlah t.v. tu..... Orang lain pegi universiti ko...apalah mok jadi..!! Do I have friend........ none!! When people keep saying you are weird... smelly, F#T.. who care to have a friend.... Crying every single day... till I cannot cry no more.. I still do not believe in GOD that time....... sin have bounded me from HIS love........
Taken during Upper 6. I lost tremendous weight as my previous weight 97 kg. I took serious action over my diet, exercising everyday for 6 months... I'll lost 20kg fewwhh.. My attention, hoping people realize my existence, recognize me as human being... hahahhaaaa... rejected again. One day I fought with my friend.... I ran to toilet and cry for help in my life... why am I frequently rejected by other... why am I designed differently from other.... devastated is the right word I guessed.
I was saved in 2003. Born again as new christian brought me a new perspective in my life. I study very hard during my degree level. I am HIS beautiful creation! I am free to worship HIM and cry for HIS love in my life. I'll face any rejection with different degree of action. Forgive!!! I am Jimifree......... created to praise and worhip HIM... only in HIM I am worthy.... !!! Goodbye rejection........ come happy_men2... happy as always........ With plenty of beautiful friend.... I'll never ask for more........
Sudah menjadi tradisi bagi University Library, untuk mengadakan Majlis Hari Raya sempena bulan Syawal. Cuma kali ni, University Library tidak lagi membuka pintu untuk department-department lain. Biarlah kami bermaharajalela dengan kelazatan makanan. (Department lain pun tak pernah jemput kami bila ada 'rumah terbuka', cuma kami sahaja yang sibuk menjemput orang. Kononnya nak merapatkan ukhwahlah. Tahun ni University Library buat rumah tertutup. Unit masing-masing membawa juadah yang dimasakan yang disediakan dengan kehebatan air tangan chef-chet terkemuka. Unit aku menyediakan air. Aku dengan rela hati belajar resepi baru dari Pn Kamariah. Maka terciptalah minuman yang digelar Mock Tail, gabungan air soda, susu segar perasa strawberry, buah-buahan dalam tin, susu sejat, air gula, sumi dan ais. Terkesima semua menikmati air yang sangat sedap ni. Tengok-tengoklah gambar-gambar berikut. Meriahnya Sedapkan? Hamper yang disumbangkan oleh suppliers Nie gambar dengan bos Gambar keluar...
Seminar Praise and Worship, “Leading In Power Worship” Disediakan oleh: Pastor Yuli Melia
Pengertian PRAISE AND WORSHIP PRAISE : Suatu pernyataan dan ekspresi yang hangat, penuh sukacita dan kekaguman kepada Allah yang digambarkan dengan berbagai cara. Terdapat 3 cara untuk kita memuji Tuhan:
i. Dengan suara kita -Singing (bernyanyi) -Shouting (bersorak) -Speaking (berkata-kata)
ii. Dengan tangan kita -Lifting (mengangkat tangan) -Clapping (bertepuk tangan) -Playing music (bermain music)
Buat anda yang belum mengenali Rhea Arella, beliau adalah salah seorang anggota UX Band dan singer yang terdiri daripada Wawan Yap, Ferliex Rotinsulu, Marina Napitupulu dan Rhea Arella sendiri. Mereka telah mengeluarkan beberapa album rohani yang menjadi saluran berkat buat pendengar-pendengar lagu gospel. Beliau juga pernah melayani di Gereja Grace (BM) Shah Alam, sekitar tahun 2009 bersama Joshua Ahimsa, Lucky, Jeffry Hermanto (mantan basist GMB), dan ramai lagi. Rhea Arella bukan sahaja terkenal kerana kelunakan suaranya, malah beliau juga sangat berkebolehan sebagai Master of ceremony (MC), penulis lirik, pengajar vokal. Untuk mengenali lebih lanjut mengenai Rhea Arella, tontonilah video kesaksian beliau yang menceritakan bagaimana dia mengenal Tuhan. Selamat diberkati!! Click for related posts 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 Rhea, Wanita Yang Hobi Mempermainkan Pria Gadis ini sering menyakiti dirinya sendiri, tidak puas dengan hal itu ia mulai mencoba menyakiti para pria. Gadis yang bernama len...